Where did Large Garden Fountains Originate from?

A water fountain is an architectural piece that pours water into a basin or jets it high into the air in order to supply drinking water, as well as for decorative purposes. The main purpose of a fountain was originally strictly functional. Water fountains were linked to a spring or aqueduct to supply drinkable water as well as bathing water for cit

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Keeping Your Outdoor Fountain Tidy

It is essential to carefully maintain water fountains for them to perform optimally. A common problem with fountains is that they tend to collect dirt and debris, so it is vital that you keep it free from this. On top of that, algae can be a problem, as sun hitting the water enables it to form easily. Either sea salt, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar

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Contemporary Sculpture in Old Greece

Even though the majority of sculptors were paid by the temples to embellish the detailed columns and archways with renderings of the gods, as the time period came to a close, it became more prevalent for sculptors to portray common people as well because plenty of Greeks had begun to think of their religion as superstitious rather than sacred. Port

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Fountains Lost to History

As originally conceived, water fountains were designed to be functional, guiding water from creeks or reservoirs to the residents of towns and villages, where the water could be used for cooking, cleaning, and drinking. To produce water flow through a fountain until the late 1800’s, and create a jet of water, required gravity and a

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The Dissemination of Fountain Design Knowledge

Dissiminating useful hydraulic knowledge and water feature design ideas throughout Europe was accomplished with the written papers and illustrated books of the time. An internationally recognized innovator in hydraulics in the late 1500's was a French fountain engineer, whose name has been lost to history. His competence in designing gardens and gr

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